What is impossible and rare is to explore.In my life and carrier I have been working multidiciplinary, my artworks is more like studies, research. I m awarded and merit attension in different media internationally för my work several times over the years in galleries, online, alternative exhibition,commercial context blogs etc. I have a big production mainly in the style I call ODDREALISM thou I have a deep interest in odd realities. But I point out Im mostly interested in what we human being have in common in different gender, cultures, political systems Thou its been workingmaterial for my researches, studies over the years I have around 1000 artworks in different media stored in Stockholm Im educated as an artist and architectect in Stockholm and France and been working/designing in teams several prominent architecture in Stockholm City The last 10 years I have my own companies working in differnt ways to explore the link between art in architecture in the soul and reality Im also developing living areas etc in Stockholm and developing context around offices building in Europé. Ethic and estetic with a sustainable economic approach with equal aspects i many ways Im interested in safe society within natural disasters etc. Also visions about building on and in water, to explore the planet Earth by digging the ground, building in the stratospheric realm. Today I work in a style set up by my studies in LA MODULOR how female naturally express themself i an male context exception from our common historyI have publishing knowned books on Art Architecture Science Philosophy and still write and explore the link between my diciplins that I work withWelcome to Contact me if you are interested in my artwork !